00:00 Hahahaha, leave her alone. keep real ayah yagh yagh yagh keep real oh nonononono.
00:05 We were sort of discouraged but then when we received the words, we were very
happy to hear they were all right.
00:14 First i couldn't understand.
00:15 where is the sound missing, Japanese from Japan.どこの音が無いの日本の日本人?
00:17 Because everything was strange to me.
00:25 My parents had experienced the atomic bomb
00:30 Because they were living in Japan
00:32 She was in doors while my father was in the garden
00:36 I was in New York
00:38 My father because of the atomic bomb.......
00:45 And passed away
00:48 but she lived
00:51 yes in spite of the atomic bomb
00:56 Hit Hiroshima
00:59 In Hawaii there was the attack of pearl harbor. ハワイで真珠湾の攻撃があった。
01:13 My roots 私のルーツだよね。
01:14 I went to my house 行ったの僕のお家。
01:17 My parents are Japanese.
01:19 Mother land 母なる国。
01:21 With a chance encounter i was born.縁があって生まれた。
01:22 In Buddhist term probably it is called fate 仏教の言葉で言うと因縁と言うのかな。
01:25 May be because i am Japanese, I made these kinds of mistakes. 日本人だからこういう間違えをしちゃったのかな。
01:30 Even values are the same for everyone.価値観まで全部同じになっているっていうところがね。
01:34 I feel like Japanese is more of a family to me
01:37 The first taste of Japan
01:40 There are certain behavior rooted to Japanese culture
01:43 Do you have some hair on top of your hair mama? Tu as les autres cheveux sur tes
cheveux mama ?
01:48 Why do you have that? Doshite(どうして) tu as ca?
01:52 To me,people who cheat on taxes are not Japanese.脱税している人は僕にとって日本人じゃない。
01:55 I realized that i was not coming back to find my roots but actually I was finding out that I was Japanese- American.
02:03 They identify very strongly with their Japanese heritage
02:06 I am very proud to be a Japanese
02:09 which is different from Japanese and very different from American
02:13 I will do するよ。
02:15 I understood わかったよ。
02:17 I will not stop. やめない。
02:20 By encountering different culture Different culture ni(に) encounter shite(して.)
02:23 I became a very Japanese.
02:28 Before I went to Japan, I thought I was Japanese.
02:31 Born and raised in Japan. 日本で生まれて日本で育って。
02:33 I feel more Japanese -American after I lived in Japan
02:37 And they think they are Japanese because they know Anime
02:41 Very happy girl.....Happy girls yes happy girls
02:46 Wait a second, right now my intention was shifted to family then now you said
Japanese.... and I was not ready to answer you.
ちょっと待って、今家族の方に気持ちが向いちゃって.... ちょっと今日本人とか言われて,心に準備が出来ていなかったけれど。
02:57 You want me to to tell you more about Japan? hahahaha
03:04 A way of life
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